🎉🎂🎈🎁🛍️ Birthday!!! My big 5-7!!

🎉🎂🎈🎁🛍️ Birthday!!! My big 5-7!!

🎉🎂🎈🎁🛍️ Birthday!!! My big 5-7!!

Well, good riddance as 56 has been my TOUGHEST, most brutal year so far…

You know me as “Smiley-Suzie” here on social media. No whining, certainly no hate, no negativity, and I find the best in everyone and celebrate and support our community as best as I can.  But man, the last 12 months have taxed me.

So WOW…my heart is melting! ❤️❤️ So grateful to our amazing community…

Many warm wishes flooding and blowing up all my devices has been so so heartwarming.

❤️❤️ THANK YOU THANK YOU ❤️❤️ Just what I needed on this cold December day. My heart and soul swellin with deep joy, gratitude and inspiration for everyone's support!

Traits I’ve heard played back about me, since I was little,  are perseverance, determination and “my brain works so darn fast”.


- I launched my second start-up FourX The Better Chocolate: an incredible new one-of-a-kind brand and products, sitting smack in both blue zone and white space.…first to market, Mission driven!

- The Retailer and Broker support has been incredible - THANK YOU! 💪🩷🙌
- My mommy turned 88 and still blows me away with her ideas and insights about my brand, my marketing ads, my kids….I keep forgetting how darn practical and wise she is….love you mommy ❤️xo❤️
- My son started at McGill in business…with ideas and passion to carve his way
- My beautiful daughter has found her way and inspires me daily 💖


- We have faith in human goodness, simple honesty and integrity and tried a partnership - a big failed $ experiment

- CPG headwinds for Start-ups are now INTENSELY TOUGH:
=> Retailers are so much MORE expensive
=> Listings are much slower now…
=>  Inflation rates!
- Dumping my personal savings into my Start-up…again/again…Founders, we all know the drill
- Running low on cash and bootstrapping and scrappier then even!
⇒ yes we just opened up our Angel raise; every $10k helps! Still some room for a few more Angels! DM me :)

- Time to downsize my beloved home in The Beach and move into a little condo
⇒ ummm ??.... am not quite ready for this life phase but hey….
- More endings....
- Nearly lost my beloved Charlie Bear ❤️🐶❤️🐶

And the lists go on and on.….

However I’m reminded that:

- Our new Start-up is off to a pretty darn fast start (Revenues will exceed 2017 Love Good Fats so hey!) and our team (see tags below) is F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!
- I have my health, doing more biking and yoga than ever 💪
- I have my family and my doggies, my friends, my wonderful network
- Our Founders Helping Founders Community and this CPG world are I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E!!
- Yup.. indeed, I’ve grown stronger and stronger

I would not have had it any other way. The biggest failure when I launched my first start-up became our biggest strength.

Ricky - my twin, my rock: Happy Birthday! 🎈🎁

-Suzie, CEO and Co-Founder

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